Her Smoke Rose Up Forever by James Tiptree, Jr.

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OK, so this is a tough one. If you already know who James Tiptree, Jr. is, then you probably don’t need to hear this from me. For the uninitiated however, he was one of perhaps the most important feminist science fiction authers ever. His short stories were incredibly popular in the 1970s, during the New Wave of Science Fiction and the second wave of American feminism. As Julie Phillips observed in her outstanding biography, Tiptree “was held up as an example of a male feminist, a man who understood.” Frequently, his works were not overtly feminist, but they certainly revealed a world influenced by the movement, and were often touchingly sympathetic. His works were also more pessimistic—a somewhat sharp contrast to the...

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It's SF

I am not Angry SciFi Guy!

I am not Angry SciFi Guy. And most godforsakenly not Angry SyFy Guy. Yes, I know they rhyme, which clearly makes them fun like marshmallows or beer. But no, I am Angry Science Fiction Guy.

TL;DR: It’s not SciFi, its Science Fiction. And Angry SF Guy wants you to want to talk about SF

“Angry SF Guy, why make such a big deal about SciFi?”

This site is partially about science fiction criticism (don’t roll your eyes at me, dammit), and not just that, but accessible science fiction criticism. There is some phenomenal criticism out there. Some of it’s funny, some of it’s insightful, and some of it’s even brilliant. But it can also be fucking thick. That’s not to say boring...

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Let me start out by saying you probably don't give a shit about this post. But sometimes its about me, and not you, OK? Let me just get this out so that we can move on to the real business at hand--fucking science fiction.

After much delay, debate, inner turmoil, and general slackery, I have decided to rebirth this site. I started angrysfguy.com a couple years ago as a Tumblr site. At the time, I had just finished my MA and after a short time was feeling the burning STD type of itch to write about SF. I came on strong, but burned out fast. I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do, and spent a lot of time trying to figure that out. I built a...

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